Meaningful rewards for every kind of employee

What comes to mind when you hear the word “experience”?

Maybe you’re picturing the view from the top of the Eiffel Tour, or the look on your kid’s face seeing the ocean for the first time.

Maybe you’re remembering the taste of that extraordinary cup of coffee you had this morning, or the rush of cliff jumping with friends last year.

Maybe you’re reminiscing on the couple’s cooking class you did with your partner, or the spa day that allowed you to disconnect and just breathe.

A meaningful experience looks a little different for everyone.

That’s why, at KHS Recruitment, we’re focused on offering tons of different types of experiences as meaningful employee rewards. In fact, we have dedicated teams working to source experiences that speak to a diverse range of interests, needs, and personality types. So no matter who your employees are or what’s happening in their world, they can find an experience that makes ‘em go… “wow.”

Of course, a lot of prospective KHS Recruitment clients want to understand whether we have experiential rewards that will be the right fit for their employees: from working parents, to introverted personality types, to workers with different abilities. So in this post, we explore a variety of KHS Recruitment experiences and use cases to help you envision the possibilities for your unique employees and organization.

Different types of people, different types of meaningful experiences.
Note: We recognize that every human is unique and won’t fall neatly into one category or another. The following buckets are intended to help you identify experiences that you believe your employees would be most likely to enjoy.

Experiential rewards for working parents.
We’ve heard from many of our clients that their employees want more time and space to connect with their loved ones, particularly post-Covid 19. For working parents, this often means having family-friendly experiences that allow everyone—kids and adults alike—to enjoy themselves.

Experiential rewards can provide a much-needed reprieve for working parents, who reported increased mental health issues and challenges with child care responsibilities during the pandemic. These folks may not have the space (or energy) to plan and have meaningful experiences with their family.

Fortunately, part of what your employees get when they get a KHS Recruitment reward is access to our dedicated Concierge team. They take care of every step of the experience—from planning to execution—so that your employee can sit back, relax, and anticipate.

Here are a few examples of our family-friendly experiences*:
1. Family membership to a local museum or aquarium

2. Behind-the-scenes tour of a local zoo

3. Parent-child bonding activity, such as a woodworking project or a spa day

4. Family ziplining adventure

5. All-expenses-paid trip to Disneyland

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